Soul Parent | Spiritual Child™
Let The Spirit Of Your Children Guide You And Support Who They Are
Soul Parent | Spiritual Child™Evolutionary Education Overview
The old paradigm of how women should conceive a child, experience pregnancy, births her child into this world and becomes a mother is an outdated and unconscious act of fulfilling a 70 + year old society norm. It lacks the true meaning of what is ultimately taking place between soul and spirit in the physical between the child and mother. The current model is a limitation of the true potentiality of a women’s personal experience as a creator and bringer of life and is a spiritually vacant disconnection to the truth of the relationship between the spirit of the child and the soul of the mother.
“The spirit of your child wants to express who they are born to be, not what society says they should be.”
Soul Parent | Spiritual Child™ Evolutionary Education
If you are dedicated to your personal evolution and your children’s inner harmony and balance in the world, then schedule a consult.
Vanessa Benlolo is a professionally certified Soul Parent | Spiritual Child™ Evolutionary Educator, Generational Healer™ & Teacher and Spiritual Guide through Soul Therapy School®.

Each program is delivered on a weekly basis giving space for you to review, integrate and ground your Soul Parent | Spiritual Child™ experience in your body, mind, and spirit. We offer an evolutionary approach to honouring yourself at all stages and aspects of your womanhood: mother, sister, daughter, woman and friend.

Embracing Life Changes
3 Months
Embracing Life Changes is dedicated to women who desire to understand how to embrace change from the inside out. This being with her womb, fears, family issues and developing a strong foundation to begin building boundaries in her life to support her desire for emotional health. Key areas that are valued and supported; preconception, conception, birth, newborn, changing family dynamics and relationships.

Expansion Of Motherhood
6 Months
Valuing yourself as you are right now, as you grow and expand as a new or seasoned mother. Compassion allows your sensitivities to flourish and shine. The natural instinct as a woman, to be feminine, nurturing and protective, all develop in stages. If you are seeking or finding yourself wanting to ground into your feminine nature and return your natural senses into a powerful place to expand from, then this 6-month compassion and expansion of motherhood program is for you. *This is for women who are mothers or are about to become mothers.

Healing Mother & Family Wounds
9 Months
Our mother is our strongest connection to our worth and self-love in the world. Inside the womb of your mother, you receive messages on how she felt, thought and her relationship to the world. These also become part of your subconscious beliefs. Healing the mother wound, is to understand how your family wounds from generations past and present affect your ability to live in a conscious loving and purposeful way to model being a Soul Parent for your children. You will learn how to embody your womanhood as a powerful storehouse of creative energy that manifest, heals, anchors into the Earth, and embodies her true worth in the world.

Love Unconditional
12 Months
Unconditional love is what we all yearn for, every child is born with the core need to be loved; from the very first breath they take. Love is the most fundamental emotion, yet very few people ever get to experience. During your 12-month program, you will see how past and current experiences are serving you to embrace love and to heal those parts of yourself that you deny nor accept as powerful, loving or of value. You will learn to live from the depth of who you are, pure unconditional love, and express this love to your family, children, partner, parents, community and home.
Book a Consult
What I enjoyed the most about being supported by Vanessa was her smile, her wealth of knowledge, her positivity, her guidance, and her teachings of how I can connect to my children on a soul/spiritual level and her intuitive manner.
If you want to understand your life purpose and connect with your children in a true and authentic manner spiritually and with your whole heart and soul, then Vanessa is the person to see.”